
Defines the thing or activity involved in the action.


  • Flow resource path: statementData > xapiObject > objectType

  • Parameter type: String text

  • Description: Specifies the type of object in the xAPI statement, such as "Activity," "Agent," or "Group," defining the role the object plays in the interaction.


"object": {
  "id": "",
  "definition": {},
  "objectType": "Activity"


  • Flow resource path: statementData > xapiObject > id

  • Parameter type: String URI

  • Description: The unique identifier (URI) that represents the object in the xAPI statement, typically pointing to a specific resource or activity.


"object": {
  "id": "http://www.example.com/meetings/occurances/34534",
  "definition": {},
  "objectType": ""


  • Flow resource path: statementData > xapiObject > definition > type

  • Parameter type: String URI

  • Description: The type of activity or object defined in the xAPI statement, identified by a URI that classifies the object's nature (e.g., "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/activities/course").


"object": {
  "id": "",
  "definition": {
    "name": {},
    "description": {},
    "type": "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/activities/meeting",
    "moreInfo": ""
  "objectType": ""


  • Flow resource path: statementData > xapiObject > definition > moreInfo

  • Parameter type: String URL

  • Description: A URL providing additional information about the activity or object referenced in the xAPI statement, offering further context or details.


"object": {
  "id": "",
  "definition": {
    "name": {},
    "description": {},
    "type": "",
    "moreInfo": "http://www.example.com/345256"
  "objectType": ""


  • Flow resource path: statementData > xapiObject > definition > name > langString1

  • Parameter type: String text

  • Description: The name of the learning object or activity in one language. langString1 will match the first key/value under definition.name.


"object": {
    "id": "",
    "definition": {
      "name": {
        "en-GB": "meeting",
        "en-US": "meeting",
        "fr-FR": "réunion"
      "description": {}
      "type": "",
      "moreInfo": ""
    "objectType": ""


  • Flow resource path: statementData > xapiObject > definition > name > langString2

  • Parameter type: String text

  • Description: The name of the learning object or activity in a second language. langString2 will match the second key/value under definition.name.


"object": {
    "id": "",
    "definition": {
      "name": {
        "en-GB": "meeting",
        "en-US": "meeting",
        "fr-FR": "réunion"
      "description": {}
      "type": "",
      "moreInfo": ""
    "objectType": ""


  • Flow resource path: statementData > xapiObject > definition > name > langString3

  • Parameter type: String text

  • Description: The name of the learning object or activity in a third language. langString3 will match the third key/value under definition.name.


"object": {
    "id": "",
    "definition": {
      "name": {
        "en-GB": "meeting",
        "en-US": "meeting",
        "fr-FR": "réunion"
      "description": {}
      "type": "",
      "moreInfo": ""
    "objectType": ""


  • Flow resource path: statementData > xapiObject > definition > description > langString1

  • Parameter type: String text

  • Description: A detailed description of the learning object or activity in one language. langString1 will match the first key/value under definition.description.


"object": {
  "id": "",
  "definition": {
    "name": {},
    "description": {
      "en-GB": "An example meeting that happened on a specific occasion.",
      "en-US": "An example meeting that happened on a specific occasion.",
      "fr-FR": "Un exemple de réunion qui a eu lieu à une occasion précise."
    "type": "",
    "moreInfo": ""
  "objectType": ""


  • Flow resource path: statementData > xapiObject > definition > description > langString2

  • Parameter type: String text

  • Description: A detailed description of the learning object or activity in a second language. langString2 will match the second key/value under definition.description.


"object": {
  "id": "",
  "definition": {
    "name": {},
    "description": {
      "en-GB": "An example meeting that happened on a specific occasion.",
      "en-US": "An example meeting that happened on a specific occasion.",
      "fr-FR": "Un exemple de réunion qui a eu lieu à une occasion précise."
    "type": "",
    "moreInfo": ""
  "objectType": ""


  • Flow resource path: statementData > xapiObject > definition > description > langString3

  • Parameter type: String text

  • Description: A detailed description of the learning object or activity in a third language. langString3 will match the third key/value under definition.description.


"object": {
  "id": "",
  "definition": {
    "name": {},
    "description": {
      "en-GB": "An example meeting that happened on a specific occasion.",
      "en-US": "An example meeting that happened on a specific occasion.",
      "fr-FR": "Un exemple de réunion qui a eu lieu à une occasion précise."
    "type": "",
    "moreInfo": ""
  "objectType": ""

Last updated