Error messages and troubleshooting

This section will help you interpret and act on the error codes you may encounter while using our application, minimizing downtime and ensuring the smooth operation of your processes.

SOS? If you encounter any blockers or ongoing problems with our applications you can always reach out to for hands on assistance.

Note that if you have uninstalled xAPI Actions from your Salesforce platform, you will need to contact us at to reinstall your app.

Error CodeMessage/ErrorResolution


Connection for org already exists

An existing org you have used before needs to be deleted from the database. Contact


Not licensed or expired

Your trial or full license has expired. If you believe your license should be active please contact


Connection could not be created

First check your Connected App and Actions Setup details as there maybe incorrect values causing the issue. If the problem persists please contact


Enabled invalid

Reasons for a persistent disabled connection include:

  • System license change

  • Org connection failure

  • Limits exceeded

If you believe your license should be active please contact


Filters invalid

One or more statement filters may contain invalid values. Remove or correct the filter definitions. To remove a filter delete the content from the 2 required fields and reset the Operator selection to the default value of "Select".


Bearer Token request invalid

There may be a disparity in your setup. Check that the Connected App generated Token and Secret have been correctly added to your Actions setup and Save the setup.

Last updated