Assessments & Tasks
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Last updated
Now we get to the fun (and sometimes nerve-wracking) part - assessing learner progress!
Formative or Summative types.
AI can handle scoring and marking if configured.
Submission Windows: Control open/close times.
Minimum Mark Required: Set pass thresholds.
Navigate to Assessments & Tasks tab.
Click “New Assessment.”
Name: A name for the assessment.
Status: Select Inactive, Open or Closed.
Type: Select Formative or Summative.
Assessing Type: Select an Assessing Type from the list.
Minimum Mark Required: Specify a minimum total mark to pass the assessment.
Submission Open Date: (Optional) Specify a date when teh assessment opens for submissions.
Submission Period: (Optional) Specify in hours for how long submissions will be accepted.
Learning Course: (Optional) Associate assessment with a Learning Course.
Learning Module: (Optional) Associate assessment with a Learning Module.
Learning Activity Definition ID: (Optional) Associate assessment with a Learning Activity Definition.
Education Cloud Learning Outcome Item ID: (Optional) Associate assessment with an Education Cloud reference if required.
Click "Save".
Scoring vs. Marking:
Scoring: Numeric or raw total.
Marking: Final evaluation (including rationale).
From the Assessment Details page, locate the related Learning Text Tasks list.
Click “New Text Task”.
Name: A name for the learning text task.
Status: Select Active or Inactive.
Sequence: Specify the numerical order for this text task within the assessment.
Description: (Optional) Provide a detailed description of the text task.
Learning Assessment: Associate a learning assessment with the text task.
Click "Save".
From the Learning Text Task Details page, locate the related Learner Text Attempts list.
Click “New Learner Text Attempt”.
Name: A name for the learner text attempt.
Contact: Select a learner (contact).
Status: Select Pending, Submitted, Scoring, Scored or Expired.
Learning Text Task: Associate the learner text attempt with a learning text task.
Attempt: (Optional) The learner's response or submission.
Attempt Reflection: (Optional) Reflection text provided by the learner about their attempt.
Attempt URL: (Optional) A URL to the learner's response if submitted externally.
External File Type: (Optional) Select Text File or MS Word.
External File Host: (Optional) Select No External File, Salesforce Files, Public URL or AWS S3.
Score: (Optional) The score assigned to the attempt by AI or manual marking.
Score Reason: (Optional) The reason or rationale for the assigned score.
Score Instruction: (Optional) Instruction or feedback related to the score.
Score Personal Instruction: (Optional) Personalized instructions or feedback for the learner.
Score Instruction Plus 1: (Optional) Additional instructions or feedback for further improvement.
Score Personal Instruction Plus 1: (Optional) Additional personalized feedback for the learner.
Pending Date: (Optional) Date and time when the attempt was created or set to pending.
Submitted Date: (Optional) Date and time when the learner submitted the attempt.
Scoring Date: (Optional) Date and time when the scoring of the attempt started.
Scored Date: (Optional) Date and time when the scoring of the attempt was completed.
Expired Date: (Optional) Date and time when the attempt expired.
Click "Save".
If you are using Assess for Learning, this is automatically populated.
From the Learner Text Attempt Details page, locate the related Learner Text Criterion Scores list.
Click “New Score”.
Name: A name for the text criterion score.
Status: Select Pending, Submitted, Scoring, Scored or Expired.
Learning Text Attempt: Associate a learning text attempt with the text criterion score.
Learning Rubric Criterion: Associate a learning rubric criterion with the text criterion score.
Pending Date: (Optional) Date and time when the attempt was created or set to pending.
Submitted Date: (Optional) Date and time when the learner submitted the attempt.
Scoring Date: (Optional) Date and time when the scoring of the attempt started.
Scored Date: (Optional) Date and time when the scoring of the attempt was completed.
Expired Date: (Optional) Date and time when the attempt expired.
Score: (Optional) The score assigned to the attempt by AI or manual marking.
Score Reason: (Optional) The reason or rationale for the assigned score.
Score Instruction: (Optional) Instruction or feedback related to the score.
Score Personal Instruction: (Optional) Personalized instructions or feedback for the learner.
Score Instruction Plus 1: (Optional) Additional instructions or feedback for further improvement.
Score Personal Instruction Plus 1: (Optional) Additional personalized feedback for the learner.
Click "Save".
If you are using Assess for Learning, this is automatically populated.
From the Assessment Details page, locate the related Learning Text Tasks list.
Click “New Choice Task”.
Name: A name for the learning choice task.
Status: Select Active or Inactive.
Sequence: Specify the numerical order for this choice task within the assessment.
Question: (Optional) Provide the text for the question.
Answer: (Optional) Provide the text for the answer (can have up to 5 answers).
Correct Response Pattern: A comma-separated list of the correct answer numbers.
Learning Assessment: Associate a learning assessment with the choice task.
Click "Save".
From the Learning Choice Task Details page, locate the related Learner Choice Attempts list.
Click “New Learner Choice Attempt”.
Name: A name for the learner choice attempt.
Contact: Select a learner (contact).
Learning Choice Task: Associate a learning choice task with the learner choice attempt.
Status: Select Pending, Submitted, Scoring, Scored or Expired.
Pending Date: (Optional) Date and time when the attempt was created or set to pending.
Submitted Date: (Optional) Date and time when the learner submitted the attempt.
Scoring Date: (Optional) Date and time when the scoring of the attempt started.
Scored Date: (Optional) Date and time when the scoring of the attempt was completed.
Expired Date: (Optional) Date and time when the attempt expired.
Attempt Pattern: (Optional) A comma-separated list of answers submitted by the learner.
Attempt Reflection: (Optional) Reflection text submitted by the learner about their attempt.
Score: (Optional) The score assigned to the attempt by AI or manual marking.
Score Reason: (Optional) The reason or rationale for the assigned score.
Score Instruction: (Optional) Instruction or feedback related to the score.
Score Personal Instruction: (Optional) Personalized instructions or feedback for the learner.
Click "Save".
If you are using Assess for Learning, this is automatically populated.
From the Assessment Details page, locate the related Learning Text Tasks list.
Click “New Learner Mark”
Name: A name for the learner mark.
Contact: Select a contact.
Status: Select Pending or Marked.
Mark: The final mark or score assigned to the learner.
Marker Contact: (Optional) The person (contact) who marked the assessment.
Mark Date: (Optional) The date when the marking was completed.
Mark Reason: (Optional) The reason or rationale for the final mark given.
Mark Instruction: (Optional) Gneral instructions or feedback realated to the assessment.
Mark Personal Instruction: (Optional) Personalized instructions or feedback for the learner.
Mark Instruction Plus 1: (Optional) Additional instruction or feedback for further improvement.
Mark Personal Instruction Plus 1: (Optional) Additional personalized instruction or feedback for the learner.
Learning Assessment: Associate a learning assessment with the learner mark.
EC Learner Program Requirement ID: (Optional) Associate an Education Cloud Program Requirement ID with the learner mark if required.
Click "Save".
If you are using Assess for Learning, this is automatically populated.
When AI is enabled:
AssessingType = “AI Aggregated Marking” (with or without manual approval).
The system uses Rubrics (if provided) to generate initial scores and feedback.
Instructors can override or finalize marks.
We’ve covered how to build and configure Assessments. Let’s see how to handle Learning Groups next, in Learning Groups, so you can manage classes, cohorts, and membership.