Creating the Assess Connected App
From the Setup screen, use Quick Find to locate “App Manager”.
On the App Manager page view click “New Connected App”.
Complete and configure the form with the following essential details:
Connected App Name: [Enter a name of your choosing]
Contact Email: [Salesforce account email address for pre-validation]
Enable 0Auth Settings: Enable this setting
Callback URL: http://localhost [Client Credentials Flow does not require a callback URL, so use localhost as a placeholder]
Add Selected 0Auth Scopes:
Manage user data via APIs (api)
Perform requests at any time (refresh token, offline_access)
Require Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) Extension for Supported Authorization Flows: Disable
Require Secret for Web Server Flow: Disable
Require Secret for Refresh Token Flow: Disable
Enable Client Credentials Flows: Enable this setting
Enable Authorization Code and Credentials Flow: Disable
Enable Token Exchange Flow: Disable
Enable Refresh Token Rotation: Disable
Issue JSON Web Token (JWT)-based access tokens for named users: Disable
Introspect All Tokens: Disable
Configure ID Token: Disable
Enable Asset Tokens: Disable
Enable single logout: Disable
Save configuration and confirm.
Now select Manage from the App Manager and select the Edit Policies button to configure the following options:
Permitted Users: Admin approved users are pre-authorized
IP Relaxation: Relax IP Restrictions
Under Client Credentials Flow, select the Run as required
Press Save, which will take you back to the Manage screen:
Select the Manage Profiles button (under the Profiles section) and select the profile that has access to this app, for example “System Administrator”. (Note that this option is exposed by selecting Permitted Users: Admin approved users are pre-authorized under the Edit Policies view as described above.)
Allow about 10 minutes for Salesforce to configure your setup.
Now go back to your App Manager view and select to view your connected app.
Select Manage Consumer Details:
You are now pre-authenticating access.
Once authenticated, your consumer key and secret will be displayed. Copy these to continue.
Last updated