Courses & Modules
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Courses & Modules
Now that you understand Curriculums and Pathways, let's explore Courses and Modules, the building blocks for your educational content.
A Course represents a structured learning experience focused on a particular subject. It can belong to a Pathway or directly to a Curriculum.
Granular Structure: Easy to list modules, resources, and assessments.
AI-Enabled: Mark the AIEnabled
field to unlock auto-grading and personalized feedback.
Pre-req Logic: Guide learners through an ordered journey by requiring prior courses.
Navigate to Courses & Modules tab.
Click “New Course.”
Name: A course name.
Type: General, Online, Blended or Classroom.
AI Enabled: (Optional) Enable course for AI.
Description: A detailed description of your course.
Sequence: Specify the numerical order for this course within the pathway or curriculum.
Learning Curriculum: (Optional) Select the associated Learning Curriculum.
Learning Pathway: (Optional) Select the associated Learning Pathway.
Learning Activity Definition ID: (Optional) Associate this course with activity data.
EC Learning Course ID: (Optional) Salesforce Education Cloud reference if needed.
Click "Save".
Modules subdivide Courses into focused topics or lessons. They:
May also be AI Enabled.
Can contain their own Resources, Assessments, etc.
Provide a streamlined approach for chunking learning.
From the Course Details page, locate the related Modules list.
Click “New Module.”
Name: e.g., “Module 1: Intro to Marketing”.
Type: General, Online, Blended or Classroom.
AI Enabled: (Optional) Enable module for AI..
Description: A detailed description of your module.
Sequence: Specify the numerical order for this module within the course.
Learning Course: Select the associated Learning Course.
Learning Activity Definition ID: (Optional) Associate this module with activity data.
Click "Save".
Tip: If you want consistent AI-based analyses, ensure each Module you want analyzed is AIEnabled.
Courses: Edit or delete from the course details page.
Modules: Edit or delete from the module details page.
By now, you can:
Create a Course in minutes.
Add Modules to structure learning content.
Use prerequisites to ensure a logical flow.
Next: We’ll look at Pedagogies & Objectives to integrate powerful instructional theories (Bloom’s, SOLO, etc.) directly into your courses!