Learner Mark

Learner Mark


A Learner Mark represents the final, consolidated outcome for a specific learner on a specific assessment. While tasks capture granular responses, the “Mark” is the overarching result (e.g., 85% or “Passed”). AI can directly finalize the mark, or instructors can manually approve or edit it.

Key highlights:

  • Single Score: Summarizes all tasks (choice, text, rubric criteria) into one result.

  • Status: “Pending” or “Marked,” clarifying if it’s final or awaiting approval.

  • Optional Rationale: Provide high-level feedback or instructions for improvement.


Property Name


Identifies which assessment this final mark is for (e.g., “Midterm Exam in Course 101”).


The learner’s ID, tying the final score to the correct person.


(Optional) If a human instructor or reviewer approves or overrides the AI-generated mark, you can record their ID here.


“Pending” if not yet approved, “Marked” if finalized. This clarifies whether the learner can see the official grade.


A numeric representation of the final grade, like 88 or 73. May be the sum or weighted combination of all tasks or criteria.


When the final mark was confirmed or posted.


A high-level rationale behind the final result, e.g., “Sum of all tasks, plus extra credit” or “AI auto-approval.”


Overall instructions or suggestions for the entire assessment, such as “Review chapters 3-4 for a better understanding.”


Personalized feedback for the learner, e.g., “Your consistent effort shows; work on refining your data analysis next time.”


Extra guidance for further mastery or advanced challenges.


Additional personalized direction if the learner wants to excel further.


(Optional) If integrating with Education Cloud, link to a relevant program requirement for broader tracking.


System-managed date/time indicating when this record was first created.


Updated automatically if the final mark or related fields change.


After grading a “Business Analytics Final,” the system aggregates each learner’s tasks. For user #45, the AI calculates an 82% overall. The instructor quickly reviews borderline questions, agrees, and sets Status to “Marked” with MarkReason = “All tasks correct except the last two.” MarkDate is recorded, and the learner sees their final 82%.

Use Case

A large training program uses AI to auto-mark. In most cases, the system sets Status to “Marked” automatically. However, if someone fails by a small margin, the instructor might review the tasks more closely, add a justification in MarkReason, and manually update Status to “Marked.” The record keeps everything in one place for easy auditing.

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