Learning Curriculum

Learning Curriculum


A Learning Curriculum is the highest-level container in your educational hierarchy. It represents an entire program or subject area—like “Business Administration” or “Computer Science”—and provides a framework for organizing Pathways, Courses, and Modules. Curricula help you structure broad educational goals, define overarching topics, and optionally connect to external systems (such as Salesforce Education Cloud) for extended data management.

Key highlights of a Learning Curriculum include:

  • Top-Level Organization: Groups related Pathways and Courses under one umbrella.

  • Sequencing: Allows you to order multiple curricula.

  • Optional External Links: You can store references to outside systems if you want to integrate data or track progress at scale.

  • Flexible Descriptions: Provide an in-depth overview of the curriculum’s aims, scope, and intended audience.


Property Name


A concise, reader-friendly title to identify the curriculum (e.g., "Business Administration Program"). This helps users quickly distinguish among multiple curricula in the system.


A longer, more detailed explanation of the curriculum, describing what the program covers, the level of detail learners should expect, and any overarching objectives or outcomes. Use this field to guide prospective learners or staff who want an overview of the program.


A number that allows you to specify an order among multiple curricula. For example, if you offer “Introduction to Marketing” and “Advanced Marketing,” you might put them in a logical sequence.


A user-managed text field that can tie this curriculum to data in an external activity tracking system (like xAPI). If you plan to track learner engagement across the entire curriculum, use this to link everything seamlessly.


(Optional) A text pointer to an Education Cloud Learning object, enabling extended capabilities or referencing existing records in Salesforce Education Cloud.


Automatically maintained by the system to indicate when this curriculum was first created.


Automatically maintained by the system to indicate when this curriculum was last updated.


Imagine you’re launching a new “Data Science Curriculum”. You enter an overview about key topics such as machine learning, statistics, and business intelligence. You might set a Sequence value to manage how this curriculum appears relative to other programs (e.g., “2” if you want it second in a list). If you integrate with Education Cloud, you’d populate ECLearningId to sync it externally.

Use Case

You’re designing a suite of programs for your corporate training. The Learning Curriculum object acts as your master blueprint:

  • HR managers can see the top-level “Corporate Leadership Curriculum,”

  • Instructional designers can fill in details about organizational goals, and

  • Executives can refer to it in analytics systems (via LearningActivityDefinitionId) to track overall training ROI.

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